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Camp Statement on TPP Negotiations

December 10, 2013

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) made the following statement in response to the announcement by the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Ministers that they made significant progress in the Singapore Round and will continue their work in January.

“The headway achieved so far on TPP is positive, but more work remains.  There are long-standing issues that need to be resolved, like access for U.S. automakers and farmers, and we should take the time to get this agreement right.  I look forward to consulting with Ambassador Froman when he returns on the next steps.  Concluding these negotiations, as well as other trade agreements, will require Congressional passage of Trade Promotion Authority legislation.  Given the considerable bipartisan and bicameral progress that has been made on that front, I expect we will be in a position to do so early next year if we have the Administration’s active participation.”
