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What They Are Saying About the Tax Reform Discussion Draft

February 27, 2014

Job Creators 

One Voice: “An overhaul of our tax code is long overdue and Chairman Camp deserves a lot of credit for having the leadership and courage to take on this important issue.  This proposal sends a strong message that we need tax reform for all manufacturers and not just C-Corporations as proposed by some in Washington.” 

National Retail Federation: “This is the foundation for job creation, increased take-home pay and business growth that would restore the prosperity that has slipped away for far too many American families.”

RATE Coalition: “Chairman Camp’s proposal represents one of the most meaningful advancements for tax reform in nearly 30 years. Lawmakers from both parties have expressed support to simplify the code and reduce America’s world-leading corporate tax rate to an internationally competitive level. It’s time to harness this momentum and enact meaningful tax reform.”

Boeing: “Chairman Camp’s draft is an important step towards comprehensive tax reform that will increase economic growth and strengthen U.S. competitiveness…We are pleased to see this process move forward and encourage our elected officials to get behind a bipartisan tax reform effort that grows the economy and creates more jobs in the United States.”

Business Roundtable: “Faced with these significant challenges, Camp has delivered a plan that makes hard choices but is designed to grow the economy. Camp’s first comprehensive discussion draft marks a significant step forward in the process toward the enactment of tax reform.”

International Franchise Association: “Chairman Camp’s draft proposal is a very positive and welcome step toward achieving IFA’s goal of revenue-neutral, comprehensive tax reform. Aimed at creating a fairer and simpler tax code for America’s 825,000 Main Street franchise small business owners, Chairman Camp’s proposal would spur greater job creation and higher wages for small business owners by reducing the burden the current tax code imposes on franchise businesses.”

UPS: “UPS welcomes a process that leads to comprehensive tax reform that will strengthen American businesses and create jobs in the United States.  This proposal creates an opportunity for elected officials to work in a bipartisan manner to craft and pass legislation that will make the American tax system simpler, more fair and put America’s economy on a sustainable path to growth.”

National Association of Manufacturers: “Today’s release by Chairman Camp is a major step toward enacting comprehensive tax reform, and manufacturers look forward to working with the committee to ensure the best outcome.”

LIFT Coalition: “The discussion draft released today by Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) reflects the serious efforts we need as a country to strengthen our economy by moving closer, not further away from, the global trends of modern international taxation…As the debate moves forward, the Administration and Congress should be less worried about the political ramifications of tax reform, and more concerned about what will happen to our economy and standing in the world if reform is not pursued.”

Retail Industry Leaders Association: “RILA applauds Chairman Camp for taking this critical step toward enacting revenue-neutral, comprehensive tax reform. Retailers agree that our current tax code is broken and must be fixed. Reducing the corporate rate to 25% is critical to a reform effort that will stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and improve our country’s competitiveness.”

American Farm Bureau Federation: “Chairman Camp is to be commended for doing the hard work of developing a comprehensive rewrite of our nation’s cumbersome, convoluted and complex tax code…Farmers and ranchers are grateful for the long-standing willingness of the chairman, as well as his colleagues, to listen to our concerns on issues like cash accounting. We look forward to continuing the conversation about meaningful tax reform that benefits the whole economy.”

Alliance for Competitive Taxation: “ACT commends Chairman Camp for taking another step today to move comprehensive tax reform forward.  Tax reform should create an internationally competitive tax code that promotes U.S. jobs and economic growth, simplifies the code and helps America compete in the modern, global economy.”

Commentators, Economists and Organizations

Stephen Moore, Chief Economist at Heritage Foundation:  “[T]his is a gutsy and courageous first attempt to take on the beehive of special interests in Washington and grow the economy while making the tax system fairer and more comprehensible…If Republicans want to be the party of solutions, the party of growth, and the party of reform, they ought to rally behind the spirit of Mr. Camp’s initiative—and even make it bolder.”

Wall Street Journal editorial: “The smarter Republicans are trying to reclaim the mantle of economic opportunity, and on Wednesday Dave Camp climbed into this phone booth by proposing a detailed tax reform. The Chairman of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee wants to lower tax rates and create a fairer, more efficient code, and his plan ought to shift the debate over taxes to growth from redistribution…The Michigan Republican is a serious legislator who cares about policy, and his effort shows…[D]ynamically, Joint Tax estimates it will throw off $700 billion in higher receipts over a decade. If Mr. Obama is shrewder than usual, he’ll pocket these dollars, call the Camp plan a tax increase on the rich to placate the left and bask in the political glow of more prosperity…[Republicans] also need a positive agenda, especially for lifting growth and incomes. The GOP has made clear it’s for cutting deficits. Now it needs to restore its reputation as the growth party, and Mr. Camp’s proposal should start the debate.”

Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform: “It’s very good and very important when tax rates are lowered and a proposal is revenue neutral, which Dave Camp’s proposal is and it will produce an estimated $700 billion in new revenue.”

Ed Rogers, Washington Post:  “Thankfully, Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, is giving Republicans a way to diminish the ‘party of no’ label that is beginning to stick. Camp has offered a serious, creative plan to overhaul America’s tax code. His effort is worthy of a lot of support and a lot of discussion. This is important.”

Walter Galvin, former Vice Chairman of Emerson and former Chairman of National Association of Manufacturers Tax Committee: “Camp’s proposal gets it right…It is a significant step toward addressing fundamental inequities that stand in the way of America reaching its full economic potential and goes a long way toward kick-starting the economy.”

Midland Daily News: Camp has shown that he is willing to debate these tax points for the good of the economy… We agree. We need a tax system that is easier to understand, fair, transparent, less costly, less wasteful and less frustrating.”

Club for Growth: “We would welcome an opportunity to work with leaders in both parties to improve this plan and increase its potentially huge pro-growth effects.  The new revenue generated by a such a plan would be perfect for a down-payment on the massive national debt that threatens our long-term economic security.”

Bloomberg editorial: “It is a pleasant surprise that the Republican chairman of the House tax-writing committee has produced a common-sense tax-code overhaul with bipartisan appeal….What Camp has done is produce an intellectual blueprint that both parties can debate.”

Paula Dwyer, Bloomberg editorial board: “By removing most of the politics, [Camp] came up with a plan that favors the

Mike Needham, Heritage Action CEO: “This tax reform proposal is an important step in launching a debate on how to revive the American economy after years of mismanagement…While not perfect, there is much to applaud in the Chairman’s work…”

Washington Post editorial: “Mr. Camp’s proposal is a serious approach to a serious problem. It sets a standard of specificity that future gripers about our broken tax system should have to meet. It acknowledges that, for rates to come down, some popular loopholes will have to be constricted.”

Washington Examiner editorial: “[O]ver the decades, the tax debate has devolved into a stale rhetorical shouting match in which Republicans propose uncreative tax cuts and Democrats counter by arguing for hiking taxes on wealthier Americans. The Camp proposal is a step toward a more substantial tax debate.”

Fix the Debt: “Chairman Camp’s draft addresses many shortcomings in the current code and makes a serious and substantive contribution to the tax reform discussion.”

Peterson Foundation: “[Camp’s] draft legislation presents a valuable and long-overdue opportunity for our nation’s policymakers to begin a real conversation about tax reform — an issue at the heart of our nation’s economic future.”

Republican & Democrat Members of Congress

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT): “Dave Camp put out a comprehensive vision to remake our tax code…there can be no doubt that Mr. Camp deserves credit for working hard on these vital issues.”

Senator Dan Coats (R-IN): “Despite a political climate that rewards the status quo, tax reform needs to happen for our economy and global competitiveness. I will continue to join with Congressman Camp and others to move this complex issue in the right direction.”

Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID): “I appreciate [Camp’s] efforts to move away from the failed arguments that put a primary focus on raising tax collections, even at the expense of harming the economy.  Instead, it appears this proposal is focused on growing the economy and providing greater opportunities for all Americans; the by-product of such dramatic economic growth will be increased revenue.”

Congressman Sam Johnson (R-TX): “I’ve heard from families and businesses across North Texas who are overwhelmed and frustrated with our broken tax code…We need a tax code that is simpler, fairer, and pro-growth through lower rates.”

Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX): “The draft proposal unveiled today is a unique invitation to Texans and Americans, asking your opinion on long-awaited tax reform… whatever your view, starting today the American people can finally begin helping fix this broken tax code, reining in the IRS and jump-starting our economy.”

Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI): “My friend Chairman Dave Camp has put together a bold plan to fix our broken tax code. His plan would get this economy growing and offer much-needed relief to families and workers.  We don’t have to accept this new normal of slow economic growth. This reform plan will create jobs for Americans across all sectors and boost the wages of workers who feel their economic security slipping away.”

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA): “Presenting a wide array of ideas for dramatically reforming our punitive tax code, this proposal is a key step in advancing the crucial issue of tax reform.”  

Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH): “I applaud Chairman Dave Camp for his leadership in crafting a tax proposal that moves us forward and for getting us to this point.  This is a draft meant to have the push and pull of members of Congress to improve it with the goals of simplifying the code and lowering rates for individuals and employers.” 

Congressman Dave Reichert (R-WA): “The status quo is unacceptable.  Comprehensive tax reform will energize the economy by putting more money in the pocket of hard working Americans and businesses and create more jobs.”

Congressman Charles Boustany, Jr., MD (R-LA): “Chairman Camp’s tax reform draft aims to streamline the complicated and burdensome tax code and replace it with provisions promoting job creation, reducing the deficit, and enhancing economic growth.  Much work has been done to understand the interlocking provisions of our tax code and to reformulate them into a more workable and less troublesome system by reducing tax rates for families and small businesses.”

Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL): “Everyone agrees that the status quo is unacceptable, our current tax code is too complex, too costly and is holding the American economy back at a time when our number one priority should be growth.  With the release of the Chairman’s draft, the conversation about fixing our broken tax code can finally begin, and we can work to create a competitive, flatter, fairer code that benefits all Americans.”

Congressman Jim Gerlach (R-PA): “So I applaud Chairman Camp for challenging all of us on the Ways and Means Committee to continue working to restore opportunity, reduce the burdens on individuals and job creators and reinvigorate investment in our country. This draft is a positive step toward finding the right mix of pro-growth reforms as well as solutions for simplifying the tax code.”

Congressman Tom Price (R-GA): “This discussion draft represents a diligent effort to forge real progress on tax reform – a process that will continue. It’s important we move the conversation toward a more concrete dialogue, with give and take, so that we can find eventual agreement on a set of solutions that will produce a tax code that is simpler, flatter, and fairer for hard-working American taxpayers.”

Congressman Vern Buchanan (R-FL): “Our current tax system punishes everyone from families struggling to make ends meet to employers trying to compete abroad.  We need a simpler, fairer tax code that promotes economic growth and helps put Americans back to work.”

Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE):  “By simplifying the code we can improve compliance, encourage economic growth, and make our tax structure fairer for all Americans. This process is not easy, but it is our job to find solutions because the status quo is unacceptable.”

Congressman Aaron Schock (R-IL): “95 percent of Americans will be able to file their tax return on a single sheet of paper- that is a huge win for hard working taxpayers under Chairman Camp’s proposal.  The average taxpayer spends 13 hours preparing for their tax return, and 9 out of 10 hire someone else to file their taxes because of the complexity of the tax code and for fear of audit.  This is greatly reduced with a simpler, fairer and flatter tax rate under the Camp tax plan.”

Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins (R-KN): “Chairman Camp’s draft is a step forward and an opportunity to get input through an open and transparent process. Our tax code is complex and this is about getting feedback and having a real discussion about what tax reform can mean for families and job creators, not hiding behind closed doors and waiting to pass it before we know what is in it.  The public discussion begins today.”

Congressman Erik Paulsen (R-MN): “Chairman Camp’s discussion draft is a bold plan to make our economy stronger and increase take-home pay for workers and families…this draft proposal provides real solutions to create a healthy economy.”

Congressman Kenny Marchant (R-TX): “Americans deserve a plan of action to simplify the tax code, and the discussion draft brings us closer to making the tax system fairer and more comprehensible. Chairman Camp’s plan is a fair, common sense solution to providing tax relief for all Americans, creating more jobs, and jumpstarting our economy.”

Congresswoman Diane Black (R-TN): “This draft legislation finally allows us to have an important conversation about how we reform our broken tax code for the first time in almost three decades.”

Congressman Tom Reed (R-NY): “Americans deserve real reform that will help grow our economy and put people back to work.  The Chairman’s tax reform draft is an important step in the process, with economists estimating it could result in as many as 1.8 million new jobs.  Taxpayers in the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes would see average savings of about $600 – that’s real money that stays in their pockets because of tax reform.”

Congressman Todd Young (R-IN): “Since the last substantial reforms in 1986, our tax code has become larded up with narrowly-tailored provisions that make it increasingly complicated for American families and businesses to prepare their taxes.  Not only would compliance be easier, but the Joint Committee on Taxation score makes clear this bill would spur hiring, increase personal incomes, and promote economic growth.”

Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA): “Today is a bright day for all American taxpayers who’ve been waiting for a fairer, less complex, and less costly tax code. After countless debates, dozens of bipartisan hearings, and nearly three decades of delay, the ball is finally rolling toward serious pro-growth tax reform and that is a milestone over which to be both relieved and optimistic.”

Congressman Tim Griffin (R-AR): “Chairman Camp continues to demonstrate bold leadership. His discussion draft begins the conversation on reforming our broken tax code from top to bottom and making our system simpler, fairer and flatter.”

Congressman Jim Renacci (R-OH): “I join the millions of Americans across the country who reject the status quo. It’s time to overhaul our tax code and pave the way for the job creation and economic growth that our country needs.”

Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA): “The Transportation Committee continues to develop surface transportation legislation for action later this year, and this tax reform proposal could play a meaningful role in a bill that facilitates economic growth and helps America remain globally competitive.”

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI): “The status quo is unfair and an obstacle to domestic job creation and economic growth. Tax reform will boost Michigan’s working families struggling to get by, and getting rid of harmful provisions like the medical device tax that has caused jobs to be lost right in our community is a critical step forward.”

House Administration Committee Chairman Candice Miller (R-MI): “If we are serious about helping American families and creating jobs, we need to address our broken tax code by lowering tax rates and simplifying the code.  It is the only surefire way to turbo-charge our economy.  I commend Chairman Camp for his leadership and willingness to ignore the naysayers and charge forward with this necessary overhaul.  This is the beginning of a debate that the country and the Congress must have.”

Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN): “[T]here is no doubt that a simpler, fairer tax code would help create a healthier American economy.  We need tax laws that encourage job creation and allow families to keep more money in their pockets.”

New Democrat Coalition Chairman Ron Kind (D-WI): “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to work in a bipartisan fashion to fix our broken tax code for American families and businesses…”

Congressman John Delaney (D-MD): “Chairman Camp should be commended for his extraordinary diligence to reform our tax code, which is one of the most critical issues affecting our global competitiveness.”

Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO): “Releasing a plan for such a drastic overhaul in an election year was a bold step by Chairman Camp, and I commend him for that…Our economy does best when individuals and businesses make decisions based on their own needs, and not on arcane tax provisions. Chairman Camp’s proposal is a step in that direction.”

Congressman Tony Cardenas (D-CA): “As a former small business owner, I also applaud the opportunity this plan gives small businesses across the nation…I stand ready to work with anyone, from either side of the aisle, who wants to create a tax code that builds American businesses, encourages innovation and helps American families.”
