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Camp Floor Statement: H.R. 4118, the “Simple Fairness Act”

March 05, 2014

I rise today in support of H.R. 4118, the Simple Fairness Act, which would give Americans some much-needed relief from the added costs of ObamaCare.

I don’t need to remind the American people about the failed launch of the health care law.  But, a failed website is the least of Americans’ health care concerns. 

  • Millions of Americans, including over 200,000 in my home state of Michigan, went out to the mailbox and found that the health care plan they had and liked was cancelled. 
  • Millions of Americans are having their hours and wages cut as employers try to struggle with this complex law.
  • Many find that they can no longer access the care they relied on from their local doctor or hospital.
  • Millions of Americans are left wondering what happened to their promised $2,500 reduction in premiums.
  • And, next year, millions more will see their premiums skyrocket again due to the Administration’s failure to meet their own enrollment goals.

The American people have paid over and over for this health care law: they’ve paid higher premiums and they’ve paid by having their hours cutback and their paychecks decreased.  The last thing this law should do is penalize Americans for being unable to purchase a plan on either because of multiple web failures or that they were unable to find an affordable plan. 

The Obama Administration unilaterally exempted businesses from the employer mandate tax for 2014.  Simple fairness demands that Congress provide the same relief to hard working Americans. 

When Congress can act to provide some relief for hardworking Americans, we should.  Every Member here has heard from a frustrated constituent.  This shouldn’t and need not be a partisan fight, granting relief to hardworking Americans is only fair.  Voting yes on H.R. 4118 is the right thing to do for the people we represent. 
