Today I rise in support of restoring Americans’ work hours, so they can see bigger paychecks and more opportunities.
ObamaCare places an unprecedented government regulation on workers, changing the definition of full-time work from 40 hours per week to 30 hours. As a direct result, Americans across the country are having their hours cut at work and seeing smaller paychecks. At a time when the cost of groceries, gas and health care keep increasing, lower paychecks are simply unacceptable.
The bill we have before us today, the Save the American Workers Act, would repeal ObamaCare’s 30-hour work week definition of “full-time employment” and restore the traditional definition of a 40-hour work week. Today we’re voting to restore hours and wages, and give businesses and their workers some relief from the burdens of ObamaCare. This is a critical step in creating an America that works.
I hear about the effects of ObamaCare from workers and employers across mid-Michigan. Recently, Central Michigan University was forced to cut back student employees’ hours. As one student said, “Students use that money to pay for finances and school and I think it’s going to become increasingly harder for them to pay for school when we can only work 25 hours.”
A faculty member at a community college in my district wrote to me recently and said, “I hold two part time positions…Today, I was informed I cannot continue to do both jobs; because of Obamacare laws. Beginning in August I will no longer be advising and will lose approximately 1/3 of my income. Last year I bought a house, a house I now fear I will no longer be able to afford.”
By forcing employers to shift workers from full-time to part-time, the 30-hour rule is destroying hardworking Americans’ ability to earn more during these tough economic times. At a time when the President is calling on Congress to increase wages, it is his health care law that is forcing Americans to see smaller paychecks.
ObamaCare is putting full-time work and the potential to earn more wages out of the reach of millions of Americans. Those who are hit the hardest are low-income Americans already struggling in these tough economic times. According to a Hoover Institution study, 2.6 million Americans making under $30,000 a year are most at risk of having their hours and wages cut as a result of the 30-hour rule. Of that, over 60 percent are women and 90 percent do not have a college degree.
The Administration has made exceptions and delays for big businesses and political allies, why not American workers and job creators?
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office confirmed the bill we are considering today will reduce ObamaCare’s unacceptable burden on job creators and increase wages for American workers.
According to the Congressional Budget Office the Save the American Workers Act will:
- Increase cash wages for American workers by $75 billion;
- Repeal 63.4 billion in ObamaCare tax increases; and
- Reduce the number of employers subject to penalties related to ObamaCare.
I applaud Congressman Todd Young for his work on this legislation. It is time to vote in support of Americans who are facing higher bills and smaller paychecks, and I urge my colleagues to join me and vote yes.