Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement in reaction to the news that the economy grew 0.1 percent in the first quarter of 2014.
“Today’s news should be a wakeup call for the leaders in Washington – the status quo isn’t working. With economic growth almost at a standstill, it is no surprise that only 27 percent of Americans believe the country is heading in the right direction. The Administration’s and the Democrat-controlled Senate’s refusal to seriously engage on policies that will create jobs and economic growth is inexcusable.
“Our current tax code is broken, and it is hurting families and hurting jobs. Every week, we get reports of continued anemic growth, stagnant wages, or that another U.S. company is moving overseas due to our high tax rates. A simpler, fairer tax code that lowers rates will make our economy stronger, create more jobs and can significantly reduce the debt. Yesterday, the Committee took a first step toward providing certainty to our job creators, making permanent six provisions of the tax code that are proven to help businesses small and large grow, create jobs and invest in the United States.
“We also have opportunities to pursue new trade agreements, creating significant new economic opportunities to sell U.S. goods and services and support additional jobs here in the United States. Trade Promotion Authority is an important tool to moving these agreements forward, and yet, here again, we have seen little to no action from the Administration on the Hill. The Administration must actively engage with Congress on TPA so we can move these job-creating agreements forward.”