Washington, DC – House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) says one year after a disastrous rollout, the Affordable Care Act still isn’t ready.
“Today, Americans were supposed to be able to enroll in an Affordable Care Act plan for the second year, but the opening of 2015 enrollment was delayed till after the mid-term elections to avoid consumers finding out that much of the backend of Healthcare.gov still doesn’t work, and that they may face higher premiums and a more narrow network.
“As the broken promises mount – from your family will save $2,500 a year to you can keep the plan or doctor you like and trust and many more – it is clear to most Americans that this law is continues to do much more harm than good, especially when it comes to affordability and accessibility. And, the worst may be yet to come as costs rise and employers cut worker’s hours or stop offering health insurance, and millions are still unsure what all this means come tax time.
“While this poorly written law has helped some, it has hurt many, many more. One year later, too many families have had the plans they liked cancelled and can no longer see the local doctor they trusted. That is not the health care reform they were promised.”