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Ryan Backs Bipartisan Bill to Encourage Social-Impact Partnerships

March 05, 2015

WASHINGTON — Wednesday, Congressmen Todd Young (R-IN) and John Delaney (D-MD) introduced H.R. 1336, the Social Impact Partnership Act. This bipartisan legislation would support evidenced-based policy, a concept long promoted by Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI). The bill would improve social and public health outcomes by encouraging states, towns, and investors to coordinate and expand proven public policies that create more opportunity for people in need. Upon introduction of the legislation, Chairman Ryan released the following statement:

“Hardworking taxpayers deserve more from government than good intentions; they deserve results. And social-impact partnerships have shown they can deliver—by following a few key principles: Get job creators and public servants working together; hold projects accountable for results; and harness the creativity in our communities to solve problems. That’s how we can create more opportunity, especially for people in need.” 

A summary of the legislation and more information about social-impact partnerships can be found here.
