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DOJ’s Refusal to Act in NOM Case, Despite IRS Settlement, is Another Reason Independent Prosecutor is Needed

March 31, 2015

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following reaction to news that the Department of Justice (DOJ) would not pursue the illegal leak of National Organization of Marriage’s (NOM) tax information.

“Through our investigation, we were able to discover that the IRS gave NOM’s confidential information to an individual who then intentionally leaked the information to the media. The DOJ’s refusal to take any action to protect taxpayers demonstrates why this Committee, and the American people, cannot trust their supposed investigation into the IRS targeting, let alone the protection of the constitutional rights of conservatives.  While the Administration prefers to sweep this under the rug, it is time that the American people have a special prosecutor into this matter so the full truth can come out.”

The IRS settled a lawsuit by NOM, admitting it erred in releasing the organization’s confidential tax returns and donor information. The agency agreed to pay NOM $50,000 to settle the lawsuit.

The lawsuit stems from a 2012 leak of NOM’s 2009 tax return, which included a schedule listing its major donors. The donor list was subsequently published online. The Committee is actively investigating the matter, and recently discovered evidence that the individual who received the documents may have had a contact within IRS.  The individual also appears to have leaked the information with full knowledge that it was unlawful to do so. The Justice Department has declined to take action in the case.
