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Across the Country, Newspapers Support Trade Promotion Authority

April 15, 2015

Editorial boards across the country are speaking out in favor of expanding U.S. trade with other countries. With 96 percent of the world’s customers outside the U.S., American job creators need to sell more products overseas to create more jobs here at home. And these opinion leaders understand that the first key step to expanding U.S. trade is passing trade promotion authority.

The Washington Post says, “On the returning Congress’s crowded agenda, no item is more important than the passage of a bill known as trade promotion authority.”

The Cleveland Plain Dealer writes, “If [trade agreements] can open up foreign markets while insisting on a more level playing field, that strikes us as sound policy. . . . When a vote on Trade Promotion Authority comes before Congress . . . it should be passed.”

The Racine Journal Times says, “Congress should move ahead with approval of the TPA by next month, which will set the stage for TPP approval next fall. If that timetable is not adhered to, it will run aground in the muck of the next presidential elections and thisopportunity may be lost.”

U-T San Diego argues, “This upcoming bill—called trade promotion authority . . . is critical. . . . [TPP] is important to the United States because it would mean good-paying jobs and because it would level the playing field in trade with Asia.”

Christopher Padilla in The Hill writes, “Protecting cross-border data flows via TPA and the TPP is vital to the growth of the U.S. economy. IDC estimates that 70 percent of the world’s IT market lies outside of the United States.”

Julio Fuentes in the Orlando Sentinel says, “If we don’t actively work to open these markets to Florida goods and services, the Chinese, Indians, Brazilians and a dozen others will reap the benefits, and it will be Florida businesses, workers and families that ultimately suffer — along with the rest of the country.”

Jim Corkery in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel writes, “TPA gives Congress an opportunity to promote trade agreements and increase access abroad for U.S. businesses that depend on trade. For U.S. businesses and suppliers affected by trade, this will mean a significant boost in business and jobs.”

No matter how you look at it, more trade is good for America. That’s why the House and Senate continue to work toward a strong Trade Promotion Authority Bill that will help us get the best trade deals possible.