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Chairman Ryan Statement on Tax Day

April 15, 2015

WASHINGTON House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the following statement marking Tax Day, the deadline for Americans filing their income taxes.

“Today is more than a deadline; its a call to action. 

“There’s no getting around the fact that our tax code is a mess. It sends jobs overseas, it discourages productivity, and it punishes hard work. But President Obama wants to make it worse. He wants to raise yet another $2 trillion in taxes and give even more special carve-outs to his favorite industries. Our tax code should not pick winners and losers. Our country can’t reach its potential with a tax code that punishes people for reaching their own.

“That’s why this committee is working to fix our tax codeevery last word of it. If we make our tax code simpler, flatter, and fairer, we can create more jobs and more take-home pay. 

“We don’t see eye to eye with this President. But I’m hopeful that we can find some common ground. I believe we can work together to simplify our code and create a better system for American job creatorsbig and smallin the next year. And regardless of how long it takes, whether it’s with this president or the next, we remain committed to real reform that will create opportunity for all Americans.”
