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Ryan Hits the Airwaves to Make the Case for TPA

April 22, 2015

WASHINGTON House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) took to the airwaves to make the case for trade promotion authority, speaking with several news outlets over the past 24 hours.

Speaking with Fox News Greta Van Susteren on On the Record, Chairman Ryan said:

The rest of the world is going around getting trade agreements and the U.S. is losing. There is a race right now to write the rules of the global economy, the question is: Who is going to write the rules? Is it the U.S. and our allies or is it in this case China? And so what were trying to do is make sure that we write the rules of the global economy that benefit American workers and that benefit American jobs.

Speaking with MSNBCs Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezinski on Morning Joe, Chairman Ryan said:

Ninety five percent of the worlds consumers, they dont live in America, they live in other countries. If we want to have more, higher-paying jobs, we need to be able to make and grow things in American and sell them overseas.

Speaking with CNBCs Joe Kernen on Squawk Box, Chairman Ryan said:

This is good for jobs. It’s about getting a better deal for our workers and leveling the playing field. And so if you are standing still on trade these days, you’re slipping behind.

Speaking with Bloomberg TVs Peter Cook on In the Loop, Chairman Ryan said:

One in five jobs in America is tied to trade. It is very important in this global economy that we get better jobs for our workers and level the playing field and open up new customers.
