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Ryan: “This isn’t over yet”

June 12, 2015

WASHINGTON — House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) made the following comments at a media availability today, shortly after the House voted in a bipartisan way to pass Trade Promotion Authority.

“I am very proud of the House Republican caucus, and I am also very proud and thankful for those pro-trade Democrats. America is being watched by the rest of world—as to whether Americans want to lead into the world, and I think we sent the right signal. Now the President has some work yet to do with his party to complete this process. This isn’t over yet, and we hope that they can get together and make sure we finish this so America is back leading. Our constituents are expecting us to make a difference. The people of this country need a faster economy. They need more opportunity. We need open markets. We need to write the rules of the global economy instead of having others do so. This is what is at stake. So that’s why I am so proud of the caucus today and the pro-trade Democrats today. And I am hopeful that the Democrats understand the consequences and get together with the President and finish this as soon as possible.”
