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House Passes Bill Repealing Harmful Medical Device Tax

June 18, 2015

WASHINGTON — Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 160, the Protect Medical Innovation Act, legislation introduced by Ways and Means member Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) that repeals the 2.3% excise tax put in place by Obamacare levied against life-saving medical devices like pacemakers and operating-room monitors. Upon passage, Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the following statement:

“This tax is a prime example of Obamacare’s flawed priorities. Taxing medical devices not only stifles innovation and threatens American jobs, but drives up health care costs and makes treatments less accessible for those who need them most. By repealing this tax, American medical innovation can refocus on encouraging discovery and finding solutions for the health challenges—and emergencies—so many Americans face. I applaud Rep. Paulsen for his work on this legislation, and I’m proud to support it.”
