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Ryan Statement on Closing of IRS Investigation

October 23, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) issued the following statement after the Department of Justice announced that it is closing its investigation of the IRS’s improper targeting of conservative groups.

“While predictable coming from this administration, this news is still deeply disappointing. Over the past several years, Ways and Means along with other congressional committees have conducted a thorough bipartisan investigation into the IRS’s targeting of organizations based on their political beliefs. Through these investigations we have uncovered serious and unprecedented actions taken by the most senior IRS official in charge of the non-profit unit, Lois Lerner, to deprive conservative organizations of their constitutional rights. The American people deserve better than this. Despite the DOJ closing its investigation, the Ways and Means Committee will continue to find answers and hold the IRS accountable for its actions.”
