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High Praise for the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act

December 15, 2015

Last week, the House of Representatives passed the bipartisan Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (H.R. 644).  From manufacturers and shrimpers to Etsy entrepreneurs, people across the country spoke out in support of this legislation and how it will help American workers.

Check out the excerpts below to learn more about how this bill will improve our ability to sell American goods, level the playing field for trade, help small businesses, discourage human trafficking and prevent higher taxes.

Improves U.S. Trade Operations
“Outdated customs and border policies are costing manufacturers billions of dollars a year in increased operating costs and unfair competition, while also preventing manufacturers from moving their products in and out of the United States efficiently… The conference report to H.R. 644 will address each of these important issues by providing much-needed guidance and statutory authority to automate and modernize U.S. customs operations to eliminate red tape and reduce trade delays that affect manufacturers.” National Association of Manufacturers

“The final bill includes numerous measures that will facilitate the development of ecommerce, including simplified customs procedures for low value shipments and for U.S. goods returned, and strengthen the ability of small and medium U.S. exporters to participate in global markets.” Express Association of America

Enforces Trade Agreements
“The shrimp industry stands as a living example of the importance of the trade remedy laws to family-run businesses throughout the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic. We are thrilled to see Congress move ahead with legislation with innovative, effective, and comprehensive measures to prevent and counter trade evasion.” Southern Shrimp Alliance

“I was very pleased that the conference report on H.R. 644 includes the most important elements of the ENFORCE Act, including time-limited investigations, enhanced CBP tools, and a robust judicial review process, all of which will allow manufacturers to better utilize the trade remedies that are available to them under current law without disrupting legitimate importers.” Leggett & Platt Incorporated

Helps Small Businesses Compete
“We applaud the House and Senate for working together to create legislation that will enable U.S. businesses to be more competitive globally by unleashing the potential for small and medium sized businesses to access foreign markets. Removing unnecessary chokepoints to imports and exports, this bill calls for common sense steps that will improve our nation’s national security while better facilitating legitimate trade.”  Chamber of Commerce

“Easing barriers to international trade and shipping is a top priority for Etsy sellers, and the customs bill does just that. We, along with our community of creative micro-entrepreneurs, applaud this Congress’ leadership on international trade.”Etsy

Discourages Human Trafficking
“These provisions [in the Conference Report] provide new tools to promote real change and improve conditions for trafficked and exploited workers around the world.” The Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking

Prevents Higher Taxes
“In 1998, Congress passed the original Internet Tax Freedom Act to create a moratorium on states imposing taxes on Internet access. Without the law, everyone would be paying more for Internet access today, and the digital economy would not be as large as it is today. The cost, speed, and availability of broadband Internet access should continue to be a national priority, and by making this legislation permanent, we can boost the growth of the Internet and the economic and societal benefits that come with it.” Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

“Americans for Tax Reform strongly supports the Permanent Internet Tax Moratorium as included in the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015. Making the ban on Internet access taxes permanent has been a longtime goal of American taxpayers.” Americans for Tax Reform

“Protecting the Internet from onerous new taxes is critical to continued job creation, economic growth, and Americans’ Future prosperity.” Council for Citizens Against Government Waste