WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released its annual 45-day notice and call letter proposing new rates and policies for Medicare Advantage and Part D. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Health Subcommittee Chairman Pat Tiberi (R-OH) expressed concerns about the regulation.
Chairman Brady said, “Seniors in Texas and across our country who rely on Medicare Advantage and the Part D program regularly report how pleased they are with the care and coverage they receive. But once again, CMS is targeting these effective programs and making it harder for our seniors to continue to enjoy the coordinated care they receive in Medicare Advantage. CMS needs to go back to the drawing board and reverse policies that would make it more difficult for plans and providers to care for our seniors.”
Chairman Tiberi said, “Nearly fifty-thousand Ohioans in my district join the millions of seniors in America that have chosen Medicare Advantage, while many more enjoy the benefits of the Part D program. It is disheartening to yet again be faced with a CMS regulation that may harm access to these programs for our constituents. I challenge CMS to work with Congress under the intent of increasing choice and access for our nation’s seniors”