At a Ways and Means hearing last week, a panel of tax experts reinforced the urgent need to move forward with international tax reform – a critical step in bringing America’s outdated tax code into the 21st Century.
As Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) explained, our broken tax code is forcing too many companies to move abroad, taking American jobs with them and hurting Main Streets across the country. When Americans find themselves out of a job, they are unable to support local businesses.
As Rep. Paulsen stressed:
“Our tax code has not kept pace with the modern economy, so it’s not only about keeping the headquarters that provide these good paying jobs, but for me it’s about the [local businesses] that rarely come up in these conversations.”
Ways and Means Republicans are focused on a pro-growth agenda that supports businesses, large and small, so we can create jobs and expand opportunities for the American people. Moving forward with international tax reform lays the foundation for a new, modern tax code that’s built for growth – the growth of families’ paychecks, the growth of local businesses, and the growth of our economy.