WASHINGTON, D.C. –Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) and Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) today introduced a bill to extend the authorization of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) programs through July 15, 2016. The legislation also extends key revenue provisions through March 31, 2017.
“Last month, the Transportation Committee approved the long-term Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act, which represents a profound, transformational reform of our aviation system and a departure from the status quo,” Shuster said. “Yesterday, the Senate introduced its own FAA legislation, and I look forward to working with them to produce a final bill. In the meantime, while both House and Senate continue efforts to move each bill forward, we need to pass an extension to ensure that the FAA and the federal aviation programs remain fully funded and functional.”
“By extending key revenue provisions, we ensure the Airport and Airway Trust Fund continues to serve American travelers,” Brady said. “I thank Chairman Shuster for his work on this important legislation and will continue working with him to keep our airports and airways safe and secure.”
H.R. 4721, the Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2016, is a clean extension of FAA programs and the Airport and Airway Trust Fund collection authority. Without an extension, the authority to collect aviation taxes will lapse, and the Airport and Airway Trust Fund will be deprived of more than $30 million per day, funding which is for air traffic control, airport development, and other aviation programs. In addition, airports will be unable to receive grant money that’s already been awarded to them, putting dozens of construction projects across the country at risk of delay, cost overrun, or cancellation. H.R. 4721 avoids these unnecessary consequences as Congress works to finalize a long-term aviation bill.