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Chairman Brady Opening Statement at Member Day Hearing on Tax Legislation

May 12, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement at today’s Tax Policy Subcommittee Member Day Hearing on Tax Legislation.

Remarks as prepared for delivery:

“Thank you, Chairman Boustany for holding this hearing today.

“I’m glad to welcome so many of you here today to share your ideas and participate in this process.

“After all, it’s been years since we’ve been able to hold a Member Day hearing on tax code improvements like this one.

“As we all know too well, the annual, chaotic process of extending temporary tax provisions was time consuming and, when extended retroactively, made no sense. Fortunately, with the permanent tax relief in the PATH Act, we were able to put to rest this decades old problem. 

“Now, we are returning to a regular order process.  We are deliberately and thoughtfully considering improvements to the tax code that will grow our economy and make the tax code fairer and simpler. 

“Our hearing today is an important step in fulfilling our commitment to creating opportunities for legislators to be legislators when it comes to tax ideas.

“Today’s hearing demonstrates that we are serious about considering tax legislation through an open and transparent process. We’re committed to introducing bills, considering them and moving them to the floor.

“The fact that over 30 members are sharing their ideas today is a testament to our new process – and to our return after so many years to regular order.

“And our newly renamed and enlarged tax policy subcommittee is a sign of our seriousness about good process for developing and enacting good tax policy.  We look forward to listening to your bold, fresh ideas about the best way to fix America’s broken tax code.

“Thank you again Chairman Boustany for your strong and thoughtful leadership of this Subcommittee.”