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A Tax Plan for the American People: What They’re Saying

June 24, 2016

Earlier today House Republicans, led by Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), rolled out our vision for a 21st century tax system that’s built for growth. At a press conference unveiling “A Better Way for Tax Reform” with Speaker Ryan (R-WI) and Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), Chairman Brady explained that this plan is the beginning of the conversation – not the end. That’s why he called on the American people to help craft their tax code:

“At this urgent moment in history, as America struggles to regain its standing in the world and Americans struggle to regain their standard of living, we can’t afford to continue to struggle under this tax code. House Republicans believe it’s time for a change. It’s time, America, to let your voice be heard … if you want America to be the strongest economy on earth for you and your children, it’s time to speak up. Loudly.

Here’s what organizations representing taxpayers, workers, families, and job creators are saying so far:

“The Blueprint you have released today outlines a thoughtful approach to tax reform that would greatly benefit the individuals, families, and businesses that are hampered by a broken tax code.” — Tax Reform Coalition

“The GOP tax plan offers a bold path for getting our economy and small businesses back on strong footing. A simple tax system, with competitive rates and strong investment incentives is good for everyone in our economy, especially our entrepreneurs and individuals who want to pursue their dream of starting a business.” — Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

“The Republican blueprint for tax reform is a clear and dramatic path to strong economic growth and job creation. When enacted it will steer America on a sharp U-turn from our present road to serfdom.” — Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform

“House Republicans have released a proposal for major tax reform … they have come up with a blueprint that focuses on savings, investment, simplification, and economic growth.” — Chris Edwards, CATO Institute 

“The blueprint contains tax changes that will dramatically improve the U.S. investment environment for both domestic and foreign businesses, creating jobs, kick starting capital expenditures and leading to economic growth.” — Business Roundtable

Comprehensive tax reform is an issue manufacturers have long been advocates for because we know better than anyone how anticompetitive our current tax code is and how much growth and investment we could unlock with a modernized tax code. We appreciate the leadership House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and his team have demonstrated on much-needed tax reform.” — National Association of Manufacturers

If Congress follows the architecture the blueprint lays out, it will create a strongly pro-growth tax system that will create jobs, raise wages, and increase opportunity for American families at all income levels.” — The Heritage Foundation

“Comprehensive tax reform is an economic imperative, and we applaud the Speaker for committing to the basic goals of lower permanent rates and simplification. We’re also very pleased that the plan includes several very important priorities for small business owners, including repeal of the AMT, repeal of the Estate Tax, and full expensing.” — National Federation of Independent Business

As news reports highlight:

“The ambitious plan would whittle the number of individual tax brackets from seven to three.” — Morning Consult

“The tax code would be a far cry from the 75,000-page convoluted nightmare taxpayers annually struggle to comprehend if Republicans manage to accomplish the goals laid out in their tax reform blueprint released Friday.” — Daily Caller

“The blueprint would also streamline the IRS’s structure, ensuring that the agency is focused on customer service. The new IRS would be lead by an administrator who would have a term of three years and could only be reappointed once.” — The Hill

“To help businesses, the plan would stop overtaxing American products and would provide a tax-free return on investment for businesses … Finally, the plan would restructure the IRS with the goals of clearing out bureaucracy and cutting down on intimidation.” — Washington Free Beacon

“The tax plan would slash rates across the board — by 20 percent for businesses and 33 percent for individuals, simplify the tax filing process, and restructure the international tax code.” — The Washington Post

“A House Republican plan for revamping the tax code [calls] for lower marginal tax rates and structural changes designed to encourage domestic investment, simplify tax filing and disrupt existing business arrangements.” — Wall Street Journal

“Their tax proposal, the sixth and final piece of the GOP’s election-year agenda, would slash rates for individuals and corporations, streamline deductions for parents and clarify benefits tied to paying for college. It would bolster incentives for charitable giving, decrease the tax burden on American-made products and reform the IRS.” — Washington Times

“House Republicans have said for years they want to reform the tax code and now, after much debate, they finally have a consensus plan. GOP lawmakers [unveiled] a tax code rewrite that substantially differs from ideas they’ve previously put forward, one that [calls] for a much deeper cut in the corporate tax rate – to 20 percent from 35 percent.” — Politico

CLICK HERE to read the full Blueprint.
CLICK HERE to speak out about the Blueprint and make your opinions known.
CLICK HERE to learn how the Blueprint will help America’s workers, families, and job-creators and grow the American economy.