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Brady, Reichert Praise Victory for American Aerospace Manufacturers and Workers in WTO Dispute Against China

October 18, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Dave Reichert (R-WA) issued the following statement regarding today’s announcement from the United States Trade Representative that China has ended discriminatory tax exemptions for certain Chinese-produced aircraft. China’s decision came after the United States brought World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement proceedings against China.

Chairman Brady said:

“Today’s announcement is a huge victory for American aerospace workers and another example of how our nation wins when we rigorously enforce our trade agreements. Our aerospace industry employs nearly 500,000 people and accounts for more American jobs tied to exports than any other industry. China’s discriminatory policy of imposing a 17 percent tax on our aircraft and aircraft parts, while exempting those produced in China, hurts American exports and is a clear violation of China’s WTO commitments.  

“China’s decision to end this discriminatory practice is the direct result of the WTO enforcement action we brought against China last December. As long as our trading partners play by the rules, we will continue to win sales all over the world because American manufacturing is among the most innovative and competitive in the world. We must continue to hold China and our trading partners accountable and, because of our trade agreements, we have the tools to do so.” 

Subcommittee Chairman Reichert said:

“America is home to the greatest manufacturers and workforce in the world, and we know that when our businesses compete on a level playing field, they win. Thank you to Ambassador Froman and his team for their commitment to enforcing the rules and standing up for the aerospace workers and businesses in my home state of Washington. The elimination of China’s discriminatory tax on imported aircraft is a significant victory for American businesses and workers. We must continue taking actions to hold our trading partners accountable and give our companies the chance to succeed.”