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VIDEO: W&M Members Speak Out About Their Constituents Who Have Been Hurt By Obamacare

January 27, 2017

Earlier this week, the Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee held a hearing to examine why, under Obamacare, premiums are skyrocketing and insurers are fleeing the government-run exchanges.

The overwhelming conclusion from the hearing? Forcing people to buy one-size-fits all insurance—as Obamacare’s individual mandate does—is not the way to stabilize the health insurance market.

As Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Vern Buchanan (R-FL) said at the hearing:

“We are here today to understand why the individual mandate—a key component of the ACA—is failing to stabilize the health insurance marketplace …  We need the facts because there are real people’s lives that are being impacted. When I talk to people in my district, it’s clear to me that they are struggling. Although I’ve mentioned some state-wide and county level statistics—those numbers touch the lives of real people, real Florida families.

“We cannot stand idly by as health insurance under the Affordable Care Act becomes less and less affordable for our constituents.

WATCH as Members describe how families and job creators in their communities are struggling to find high-quality, affordable health care, see the doctors they like, and get the care they need because of Obamacare’s failures.