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Brady & Tiberi Encouraged by CMS Proposal to Strengthen Medicare Advantage & Part D Programs

February 02, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Health Subcommittee Chairman Pat Tiberi (R-OH) issued the following statements after the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) yesterday released its annual 60-day advance notice and draft Call Letter proposing new rates and policies for Medicare Advantage and Part D programs:

“I’m pleased to see the Trump Administration is stepping away from the last Administration’s disruptive Medicare policies,” Chairman Brady said. “Many of these policies would have jeopardized the quality and affordability of care our seniors rely on and enjoy. I look forward to further reviewing CMS’ new proposal and working with our new Administration to strengthen these two popular programs so Medicare beneficiaries have the health care choices and peace of mind they deserve.”  

“Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D are extremely popular programs that provide affordable choices for seniors,” Chairman Tiberi said. “It is good news that CMS is freezing policies written by the Obama Administration that would have limited millions of seniors’ access to the care they prefer and rely on. I look forward to working with the new Administration to strengthen these programs, particularly for the nearly 50,000 Medicare Advantage participants that live in Ohio’s 12th District.”

Background: The Call Letter is released annually and, in the past, Members of Congress, patients, health care providers, and other stakeholders have been given only 15 days to review the Call Letter and comment on policies that can affect millions of beneficiaries. This year, stakeholders have more time to review the proposed changes and submit comments as a result of legislation led by Chairman Brady, which was signed into law last year. CMS will accept comments until March 3, 2017 and the final notice will be posted on April 3, 2017.