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Brady: U.S. Job Creators Come Out in Strong Support of House GOP Plan to End the “Made in America” Tax

February 02, 2017

 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) today issued the following statement after a group of U.S. businesses of all sizes, which includes both importers and exporters, announced strong support for ending the “Made in America” tax as part of pro-growth tax reform:

“I’m very excited to see a diverse group of American businesses come out publicly in strong support of our pro-growth tax reform Blueprint, including our bold move to end the ‘Made in America’ tax. By taxing imports and exports equally here in America at a new, lower business rate, our tax reform Blueprint will finally promote true competition here in America. Most importantly, it will eliminate all tax incentives for businesses to move overseas. This is incredibly good news for American consumers and our economy as a whole. I’m grateful for the support of these pro-competition businesses and look forward to working more with all U.S. job creators to end the ‘Made in America’ tax and deliver a 21st century tax code that will help our country compete and win.”