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ICYMI – Chairman Brady Weekend Roundup: Outlining House GOP Tax Reform

February 06, 2017

This past weekend, Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined Larry Kudlow’s radio show and Maria Bartiromo on Fox News to discuss the House Republican proposal for bold, pro-growth tax reform. Read excerpts from the interviews below.

CLICK HERE to listen to the Chairman’s interview with Larry Kudlow.

CLICK HERE to watch the Chairman’s interview with Maria Bartiromo.

When Larry Kudlow asked what drives House Republican tax reform, Chairman Brady explained:

“We want a tax code built for growth. I mean literally designed not to wring money from you but to grow jobs, the economy, and wages. And in doing that, leapfrog America back into the lead pack as among the top two or three places on the planet for that next business investment. That growth and leapfrog really drives all of our decision-making.  

“The three big reforms are:  

  1. We go all-in for growth with the lowest rates for businesses in modern history, and we redesign the tax code so we can compete and win anywhere in the world, especially here at home.
  2. The second major reform is we propose a code so fair andsimple for families and individuals that nine out of ten will be able to file using a postcard-style system.
  3. And the final reform is because a fairer and simpler tax code really demands a fairer and simpler tax collector, we propose to bust up the IRS and redesign it into a 21st century agency focused on service first. For businesses, for families, and, in effect, sort of create a small claims court so people can get their disputes handled affordably.”

When Maria Bartiromo asked about Ending the “Made in America” Tax, Chairman Brady said:

“For years American communities have been devastated as they watch these plants locally close and those jobs get shipped off to Mexico, China, Canada, and other places. There is a reason for it. Our current tax code favors foreign products over American products and drives these companies offshore. So we are determined to end that. We’re going to have a tax code at the end of the day—let me make this prediction—we’re going to have a tax code at the end of the day that no longer favors foreign products over American products. We’re going to end the tax on made in America exports, so we can compete and win anywhere in the world. And we’re going to not just eliminate, we’re going to obliterate any tax incentives to move American jobs overseas.”