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Brady Applauds HHS Action to Stabilize Collapsing Marketplace

February 16, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) issued the following statement after the Department for Health and Human Services released a proposed regulation to stabilize the Obamacare marketplace:

“As more insurers announce their departure from the collapsing Obamacare marketplace, and Americans have fewer and fewer coverage options, the Trump Administration took a critical step to provide individuals and families with stability and peace of mind. The proposed rule addresses many of Obamacare’s burdensome policies affecting the insurance market, giving states and insurers the flexibility to offer more of the affordable, quality health care options Americans deserve. As House Republicans move forward with legislation to repeal and replace this failing law, we will work closely with President Trump and Secretary Price to lower costs, improve quality, and expand choices.”