In today’s #TaxReformTuesday, Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) shares what he hopes to hear about tax reform tonight during President Trump’s Joint Address to Congress. He also discusses how the House Republican tax reform Blueprint delivers on one of President Trump’s main goals: a simpler tax code.
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Here’s what Rep. Schweikert said:
“Hi. My name’s David Schweikert, and I’m blessed to represent Arizona’s 6th Congressional District.
“Later this evening, the President will be speaking to us, and one of the things we’re hoping to hear is a discussion about our broken tax system. And how we fix it and how we simplify it, how we make it better for every American.
“I’m blessed to be on the Ways and Means Committee here in the House of Representatives. And we have a plan. We actually have a postcard that could be our tax returns in the future for 90 percent of Americans. The simplification, a fairer tax system, with rates that actually stimulate growth and job opportunities for all of us. So please, if you have a moment, go to the Ways and Means website and read our Better Way and learn more about our tax proposal.”