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#TaxReformTuesday: Rep. Tom Rice

March 07, 2017

In this week’s #TaxReformTuesday, Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) shares what tax reform means for his district: simplicity, lower rates, and a stronger economy.

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Here’s what Rep. Rice said:

“I’m Tom Rice from the Seventh District of South Carolina. What does tax reform mean to my district?  

“First of all, it means simplification. Most of the folks back home will be able to file on a postcard. And hopefully, we’ll be able to downsize the IRS. Isn’t that a great idea?

“Second, lower rates. The rates under tax reform will be dramatically lower than they are right now. We’ll take less from your paychecks and leave more for you to bring back home. 

“Third, it will make our country more competitive again. You’ll see American businesses that will stop leaving our shores and start bringing jobs back home. It’ll grow our GDP, it’ll put more income in middle class family homes, and it’ll mean millions more jobs across our country and thousands back home in the Seventh District of South Carolina.”