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What They’re Saying About the American Health Care Act

March 08, 2017

Yesterday, President Trump announced his support for the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the House Republican legislation to repeal Obamacare and lay the groundwork for the 21st century, patient-centered health care system proposed by Republicans more than eight months ago.

After a meeting with House Republicans, the President said:

“I’m proud to support the replacement plan, released by the House of Representatives and encouraged by members of both parties. I think really that we’re going to have something that’s going to be much more understood and much more popular than people can even imagine. It follows the guidelines I laid out in my congressional address – a plan that will lower costs, expand choices, increase competition, and ensure healthcare access for all Americans.”

And Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price wrote in a letter of support yesterday:

“On behalf of the Trump Administration, I am writing in support of the reconciliation recommendations recently released for consideration by your Committees…Your legislative proposals are consistent with the President’s commitment to repeal the Affordable Care Act.”  

Support for the Ways and Means components of this legislation continues to grow because they will:

  • Dismantle Obamacare taxes and mandates—including the individual and employer mandate penalties and taxes on prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, health insurance premiums, and medical devices.
  • Empower individuals and families to spend their health care dollars the way they want and need by enhancing and expanding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
  • Help Americans access affordable, quality health care by providing a monthly tax credit to individuals and families who don’t receive insurance through work or a government program.

Today, as the Ways and Means Committee considers this legislation, here’s what organizations across the country are saying:

Americans for Tax Reform

“The Obamacare repeal bill abolishes 14 taxes that today siphon off nearly one trillion dollars from American Taxpayers each decade. The bill also expands Health Savings Accounts, making health care reform patient-centered rather than top-down command and control.”

National Taxpayers Union

“The tax credit will put consumers, instead of the federal government, in charge of their own insurance options. Making this tax credit advanceable and refundable ensures that all Americans – regardless of their level of income – will have access to affordable insurance.”

Medical Device Manufacturers Association

“The American Health Care Act repeals the medical device tax which will result in greater investments in medical cures, lower healthcare costs and more high-tech manufacturing jobs in communities across the United States.”

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

“Critically important provisions in the Recommendations repeal a substantial number of the most harmful provisions in the Affordable Care Act: the health insurance tax, the medical device tax, and the tax on prescription medications; restrictions on the use and limitations on contributions to health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts; and the penalties associated with the employer mandate.” 


“Repealing the [medical device excise tax] will provide medical technology innovators with the long-term certainty necessary to support future job growth and sustainable, cutting-edge R&D that will ultimately lead to the next generation of breakthroughs in patient care and treatment.”  

One Nation Health

“The American Health Care Act builds on more than two decades of work to improve health care for all Americans. It reflects the best ideas about how to lower costs and improve access within a patient-centered system. By focusing on you – the individual – Congress can improve care for all.”

Consumer Healthcare Products Association

“CHPA strongly supports restoration of the ability for consumers to use their Flexible Spending Arrangements (FSAs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to purchase over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, and urges the Ways & Means Committee to advance this important measure.” 

Ryan Ellis, Forbes

“When you combine a capital gains tax cut with turbo charged HSAs and an individual tax credit, you have a good package on your hands… What’s left is very good and should be supported by conservatives.”

Association of Mature American Citizens 

“On behalf of the 1.3 million members of AMAC… I am writing in support of the American Health Care Act, or the reconciliation recommendations to repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). The provisions embodied in this Act are a vital, first step in the legislative process to completely repeal and replace Obamacare.”

National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors

“This package represents real progress in this regard, strengthening our private, voluntary employment-based health benefits system which currently provides coverage to approximately 177 million Americans.”

National Restaurant Association

“Costly compliance issues, a shrinking risk pool, and higher healthcare costs have made the current structure of ACA untenable for restaurants. We need your help moving forward, so we can get to a place where we can address these critical issues facing all American employers including restaurants. We support passage of the American Health Care Act as a way to move us forward in reforming the employer mandate.”

American Legislative Exchange Council

“The American Health Care Act ensures a stable transition away from the Affordable Care Act, and it is imperative Congress works to loosen federal requirements on states so they may have greater authority over how they deliver healthcare – only then can there be true reforms.”

ERISA Industry Committee

“We believe AHCA includes a number of provisions that will enhance the ability of employers to offer benefits, reduce taxes that are passed on to health care purchasers and consumers, and prevent cost-shifting by stabilizing the individual markets.”

CLICK HERE to read the American Health Care Act (AHCA)

CLICK HERE to read Chairman Brady’s and Chairman Walden’s Wall Street Journal Op-Ed: “The Health Bill You’ve Waited For”

CLICK HERE to learn how the AHCA delivers relief from Obamacare’s taxes and mandates

CLICK HERE to learn how the AHCA expands and enhances health savings accounts

CLICK HERE to learn how the AHCA provides tax credits to low- and middle-income Americans