Tomorrow, exactly seven years after Obamacare was signed into law, House Republicans will take action on the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Our legislation will repeal former President Obama’s failing health care law and replace it with policies that lower costs, expand choices, and return control of health care back to the American people.
This legislation fulfills our promise to the families, workers, doctors, and job creators who have been hurt by Obamacare’s crushing taxes, one-size-fits-all mandates, and health care dictated by Washington. It turns the page on a health care system marked by rising costs, dwindling choices, and diminishing access to the care people need.
As the Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote today:
“For seven years and across four elections, Republicans have promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare if entrusted with the Presidency and House and Senate majorities. Now they have the opportunity to dispose of the failing law and begin to stand up a more market-oriented, patient-centered system.”
AHCA is the critical first step to delivering a 21st century health care system focused on patients and built on conservative principles.
Our legislation dismantles Obamacare’s taxes and mandate penalties, unwinds the law’s one-size-fits-all programs, and transfers control of health care back to states and the American people. By repealing Obamacare, AHCA clears the deck for a 21st century health care system based on what patients want and need:
- Lower costs and more choices: In addition to repealing $900 billion in taxes and mandates that drive up costs and limit choices, AHCA lowers costs by promoting competition, innovation, and choice. According to the Congressional Budget Office, our legislation will lower premiums by 10% over the long term. And we reduce health care spending by more than $800 billion.
- Personal control with personalized support: Obamacare forced millions of Americans into insurance dictated by the government—preventing them from seeing the doctor they like or getting the treatment they need. AHCA repeals those mandates, unwinds this one-size-fits-all system, and restores personal control of health care. Under our plan, individuals and families have the freedom to make their own health care decisions. We help low- and middle-income Americans access health care by providing a monthly portable tax credit, and we expand HSAs so patients can save and spend their health care dollars the way they see fit.
- Additional help for older Americans: Our plan provides the Senate with $85 billion to provide additional support for Americans ages 50 to 64 who face higher health care costs. Combined with the current age-based tax credit and other provisions, this will help deliver meaningful support for the individuals and families who need it most.
- Greater state flexibility: Unlike Obamacare, AHCA recognizes that patients in different states have different health care needs. Our bill empowers states with the tools and flexibility to better serve the individuals and families in their local communities. It establishes the Patient and State Stability Fund, which provides states $100 billion dollars to design tailored for their populations. It also delivers states additional flexibility to strengthen their Medicaid programs and ensure our nation’s most vulnerable patients have access to the care they need.
As President Trump said in support of AHCA:
“This Thursday we have a chance to repeal and replace Obamacare, and this time you’ve actually got someone who will sign the bill … The alternative is Obamacare and that’s a disaster.”
And as Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) reinforced today:
“President Trump has called on Congress to take decisive action in health care reform. This legislation answers the President’s call to action in the thoughtful, deliberate way that Americans deserve.”
CLICK HERE to read Chairman Brady’s statement on AHCA before the House Rules Committee.
CLICK HERE to read the latest updates to strengthen the bill.
CLICK HERE to read about the Ways and Means provisions of the bill.
CLICK HERE to read the bill.