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#TaxReformTuesday: Rep. Mike Bishop

April 11, 2017

With only a week to go until Tax Day 2017, Rep. Mike Bishop (R-MI) discusses in this week’s #TaxReformTuesday how our Blueprint for a simpler, fairer tax code will empower the American people instead of the Internal Revenue Service.

CLICK the image above to watch.

Here’s what Rep. Bishop said:

“Hi I’m Mike Bishop, the newest member of the House Ways and Means Committee from Michigan’s 8th district. 

“With Tax Day looming, I know there are so many obstacles that you, your family, and small businesses face as a result of today’s overly complicated tax code.

“That’s where the House Ways and Means Tax Blueprint comes in. It focuses on growth, simplicity, and service.

“Service: it’s about making the IRS work for you—not the other way around. By eliminating the complication of today’s tax breaks, you keep more of what you earn. Not these guys. 

“Tax reform is the first step towards America’s comeback. I’ve seen it work in my home state of Michigan, and I’m committed to delivering on that effort with the House Ways and Means Committee.” 

CLICK HERE to learn more about the House Republican tax reform Blueprint.