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Brady & Reichert Statements After Bipartisan Member Meeting with Ambassador Lighthizer and Secretary Ross

May 17, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Trade Subcommittee Chairman Dave Reichert (R-WA) released the following statements after the Committee’s bipartisan meeting with United States Trade Ambassador Robert Lighthizer and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

“We appreciated the opportunity to speak with Ambassador Lighthizer and Secretary Ross today about the path forward on trade agreements that will expand markets, reduce barriers, and help American workers. We were pleased to hear the Ambassador’s recognition that NAFTA has been successful in so many ways and to obtain his commitment to modernize and upgrade NAFTA in a manner that retains current benefits in a seamless way that does not disrupt the current agreement. We specifically encouraged the Administration to modernize our existing trade agreements, including NAFTA, to ensure that they open markets for American manufactured goods, agricultural products, and services. Ways and Means members look forward to working with the Trump Administration in the weeks and months ahead as we strengthen our trade agreements,” said Chairman Brady. 

“Today was an opportunity to congratulate Ambassador Lighthizer on becoming the United States Trade Representative and begin discussing important trade priorities, including updating NAFTA,” said Chairman Reichert. “NAFTA has benefited communities across the country and we must have a seamless transition to a modernized agreement. With 96 percent of the world’s consumers living outside of our borders, there is tremendous opportunity for our farmers, workers, entrepreneurs to compete and win on the world stage if we break down trade barriers and help create the environment for them to do so. I look forward to building on the progress we made today and working toward our shared goals of engaging in high-quality trade agreements that grow jobs here at home.”