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Chairman Brady on Pro-Growth Tax Reform: “It’s Time”

May 17, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) on Wednesday spoke at a press conference on the urgent need for tax reform that will create jobs, increase paychecks, and grow America’s economy. Chairman Brady’s remarks come in advance of the Ways and Means Committee’s major hearing on tax reform this week, which will focus on fixing our nation’s broken tax code for America’s workers, families, and job creators.

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Chairman Brady’s remarks on tax reform:

“For the first time in 30 years, the House, the White House, and the Senate are all now committed to leading on this issue.

“We’re taking action on pro-growth tax reform now because it’s time to end the special interest loopholes.

“It’s time to deliver fairness for all taxpayers. 

“It’s time to lower taxes for all Americans on every income level. 

“It’s time to cut the sky-high tax rate on businesses so that American headquarters and American jobs no longer move overseas for a better deal.

“It’s time to end the death tax.

“It’s time to level the playing field for American manufacturers and make America more competitive. 

“It’s time for tax reform that creates over a million new jobs and helps Americans keep more of their hard-earned money.

“It’s time for Washington to lead on this issue now – and that’s what we are doing. 

“Tomorrow, Ways and Means Republicans will hold a major hearing on tax reform, related to growth, jobs, wages, and the U.S. economy.

“We encourage all Americans to tune in.” 

The Ways and Means Committee hearing on tax reform will take place on Thursday, May 18 at 10:00 AM. 

CLICK HERE for more information about the hearing.