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Health Subcommittee Chairman Tiberi: We’re Focused on Strengthening Medicare for Our Seniors

May 18, 2017

Today, the Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH), held a hearing to review several Medicare programs that are set to expire before the end of the year, and to discuss opportunities to make improvements or adjustments in order to ensure taxpayer dollars are well spent and our nation’s seniors are well served.

As Chairman Tiberi said at the start of the hearing:

It is time we take the next steps in improving the Medicare program. As the Committee continues to look for ways to reform Medicare, the Commission’s insights and analysis will be very valuable. Today is a great opportunity for us to hear advice from a nonpartisan Congressional support agency in order to better understand policies that will improve the program and ensure that we are making good use of taxpayer dollars.”

Despite attempts by Democrats to focus on partisan politics, Republicans on the Health Subcommittee focused on solutions to increase efficiency in Medicare—specifically as it relates to payment policies, including post-acute care settings.

Mark Miller, Director of the nonpartisan Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), explained how his recommendations would improve the programs. He said:

“Across the [post-acute care] settings, if this year’s update recommendations were enacted, we estimate that [fee for service] program spending would be reduced by more than $30 billion over the next 10 years, all else being equal.”

As Members discussed the recommendations, Chairman Tiberi reinforced the need to strengthen Medicare:

“Meeting with Medicare providers around my district and state, a resounding concern that I have heard is that overbearing regulations are increasingly burdening providers and seem to be driving out and discouraging small providers. I’m worried about the direction we’re heading. I am hopeful that my colleagues on Ways and Means Committee and in Congress can work with the new Administration to spur innovation and reduce regulatory burdens across the Medicare program.” 

He concluded:

“These are important issues. Ensuring the efficiency of Medicare for future generations is something that we should be—in a bipartisan way—all working together on. Not just in this Congress, but in future Congresses.”

CLICK HERE to learn more about today’s hearing.