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What They’re Saying: We Need Permanent, Pro-Growth Tax Reform

May 31, 2017

With the House, Senate, and White House moving forward together with comprehensive, pro-growth tax reform, we have the best opportunity in over thirty years to overhaul our broken tax code and improve the lives of all Americans. Over the last several weeks, the Ways and Means Committee has held major hearings to explore tax reform ideas that will create more jobs, increase paychecks, and level the playing field for our workers. 

In advance of the hearings, organizations supporting workers, families, and job creators sent in letters and testimony expressing the urgent need for pro-growth tax reform. Here’s what they had to say:

On helping job creators hire more workers and increase paychecks:

TechNet: “From the perspective of America’s technology sector, there is no single federal policy being considered by Congress and the administration that holds as much potential to unleash a wave of dynamic and robust job creation as tax reform.”

RATE Coalition: “By making America’s corporate tax rate more competitive, America will see an economic boom. We believe that only by growing the economy can we make progress on paying down our national debt, get more Americans back to work, and give the American people peace of mind that this country will be better tomorrow than it is today.”  

National Federation of Independent Business: “Tax reform has the potential to have an enormously positive impact on small businesses; it is their top priority in 2017… the U.S. economy will not reach its full potential for growth without a robust and flourishing small business sector.”

On unleashing economic growth: 

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: “Comprehensive tax reform represents the single greatest opportunity to remedy [our nation’s economic] shortcomings and accelerate growth in the near term and the long run.” 

American Farm Bureau Federation: “Farm Bureau commends the Committee on Ways and Means for moving forward with comprehensive tax reform designed to spur growth of our nation’s economy.” 

Center for Responsible Budget: “At a time when demographic headwinds will make it much harder to achieve the high growth rates experienced in the past, tax reform is one of the most important tools for boosting growth that policymakers have at their disposal.” 

American Forest & Paper Association: “The opportunity to increase U.S. economic growth through tax reform is enormous.  Our key goals include lowering the corporate tax rate and a reformed competitive international tax system to help attract and retain business operations and good paying jobs in the United States.”

On leveling the playing field so America’s workers can compete and win around the world: 

American Made Coalition: “The American Made Coalition supports pro-growth tax reform that creates and sustains American jobs, revitalizes American communities and levels the playing field for American businesses and workers.”  

Americans for Tax Reform: “American businesses are faced with a disadvantage relative to their foreign competitors … One way to end this disadvantage would be moving to a border adjustable tax system.” 

On permanently simplifying the tax code and lowering tax rates:

FreedomWorks: “FreedomWorks, however, is focused on deficit neutrality, or budget neutrality, to ensure that changes to the tax rates are permanent.” 

Americans for Tax Reform: “Tax Reform Should Make Permanent Changes to the Code…Certainty means a business owner can plan ahead to invest without concern for their ability to afford the investment and cash flows in the future.”

CLICK HERE to read about our hearing on Increasing U.S. Competitiveness and Preventing American Jobs from Moving Overseas

CLICK HERE to read about our hearing on How Tax Reform Will Grow Our Economy and Create Jobs

CLICK HERE to learn more about our ideas for pro-growth tax reform.