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Tax Reform: Go Bold. Go Permanent. Go Now.

June 21, 2017

American families and job creators are eager for pro-growth tax reform that will create jobs, grow paychecks, and strengthen our economy. As Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said Tuesday on Fox News:

“What we are hearing from our local businesses… is go bold, go permanent, and go now.”

That’s exactly what Ways and Means Republicans are doing as we overhaul America’s broken tax code for families, workers, and businesses of all sizes. Here’s how:


Tax reform is all about growth – the growth of American jobs, paychecks, and our nation’s economy. And, working with President Trump and our colleagues in the Senate, we are pushing forward with some of the boldest, most pro-growth solutions in American history. These bold reforms include:

  • Lowering tax rates for American job creators of all sizes so they can invest more in expanding their businesses, hiring new workers, and growing paychecks.
  • Ending special interest tax breaks and reducing taxes for all Americans so you can keep more of your hard-earned money and use it on what is important to you and your family.
  • Making America a 21st century magnet for job creation and business investment with solutions that dramatically enhance the competitiveness of our tax code.


As Speaker Ryan said in his tax reform speech at the National Association of Manufacturers:

“Every expert agrees that temporary reforms will only have a negligible impact on wages and economic growth. Businesses need to have confidence that we will not pull the rug out from under them. They need the certainty from permanent tax cuts to hire more workers, invest in their businesses, and plan for the future.”

In our recent hearings, we’ve heard from businesses large and small about how the permanent tax reform we are pursuing will help them, American workers, and our economy:

  • Zachary Mottl, owner and operator of a small manufacturing company in Illinois:
    “I think a permanent tax code is so important to get my customers back in this country and buying products from businesses like mine.”
  • John Stephens, Chief Financial Officer for AT&T:
    “Permanence is extremely important … [it] allows us to make consistent, significant, material capital investments that allow for the demand for jobs, demand on our suppliers, and quite frankly, with the demand on those jobs … wages go up.”


For the first time in over 30 years, we have a President, a House, and a Senate who are all committed to bold, pro-growth tax reform. As leaders of the chief tax-writing committee in Congress, Ways and Means Republicans are pushing full steam ahead to get it done this year. We are holding hearings. We are listening to feedback from the American people, job creators, and policy experts. We are working closely with President Trump and the Senate to make tax reform a reality in 2017.

As Chairman Brady said on Fox News:

We are making steady progress on tax reform… In fact, this week, the Trump tax team, the House, and Senate will meet again working on this. We’ve got more work to do in the weeks ahead to come together around a unified plan, but we continue to stay on the right timetable.

Pro-growth tax reform happens only once in a generation, and it provides an opportunity to grow jobs and paychecks nationwide. Ways and Means Republicans are seizing this opportunity to improve the lives of all Americans.

We are going bold. We are going permanent. We are going now.