ICYMI: Brady Makes the Case for Pro-Growth Tax Reform in 2017
July 31, 2017
This week, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined Fox News and MSNBC to continue making the case for pro-growth tax reform as Members talk with the families in their district over the month of August. The interviews follow the statement released last week by the White House and Senate and House leaders on our principles for delivering bold, pro-growth tax reform in 2017.
On Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” with Bill Hemmer:
“What we wanted to lay out were some key principles for the American people, which is: we’re going all in for growth on jobs and paychecks. The lowest rates that we can and redesign [the code] so companies can compete and win anywhere in the world. And then for families, fairness and simplicity, so much so [that] nine out of ten Americans will be able file using a simpler postcard-style system and lower rates … August is about making the direct case and listening to the American people … we’re going to make that case [for tax reform] back home and across the country.”
On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”:
“The key is permanence. Whatever we do in tax reform, we really want businesses to make the long-term investment decisions that drive jobs, drive paychecks in a big way … The statement we laid out, it’s about unifying behind principles, it’s about urgency. [Tax reform] needs to be done this year to get the economy going, and the President supports this approach.”
On Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo:
“Within President Trump’s team, Senate Republicans and Speaker Ryan and ourselves, there’s a seriousness of purpose within these efforts to come forward this year. And Thursday’s unifying statement was an important step and timetable going forward … People are sotired of the complexity, the compliance costs – they just think it’s unfair the way we have it today. There’s a hunger across America for a different type of tax code.”