Over the last several months, Ways and Means Republicans have been highlighting what pro-growth tax reform will mean for the people in their districts. In the weeks ahead, Members throughout the House Republican Conference will continue to underscore the importance of tax reform for their communities.
In this week’s #TaxReformTuesday, Rep. Darin LaHood (R-IL) discusses how comprehensive, pro-growth tax reform will make local businesses more competitive in his district, across the country, and around the world.
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Here’s what Rep. LaHood said:
“Hi, we’re in Bushnell, Illinois in the heart of my Congressional district in west central Illinois, at Vaughan & Bushnell Manufacturing.
“They produce some of the best tools in the entire world right here in Bushnell, Illinois – about 185 products – many of those hammers and other construction equipment.
“We’re talking about tax reform and how we need tax reform at the federal level. We haven’t had comprehensive tax reform in 30 years. And we’re hurting companies like Dan’s here in Bushnell, Illinois, because our corporate tax rate’s too high. It’s at 36 percent. He’s competing against countries around the world where they have a tax rate at 15 percent, 20 percent, 25 percent.
“To make us competitive we need a better tax code. That’s what we’re talking about here today. These hammers that are on this wall here are all produced in America – right here in Bushnell, Illinois. Every part of this product is here.
“Tax reform equals jobs and economic opportunities. So that message – and the message I got from the employees today on what comprehensive tax reform means for this country – I look forward to taking that message back to my colleagues in Washington, D.C. and working to get comprehensive tax reform passed to bring relief to the American worker.”