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A Tax Form So Simple It Could Fit on a Postcard

October 04, 2017

Today’s broken tax code is so complex that 9 out of 10 Americans pay for software or a professional tax preparer to file their taxes each year. That amounts to billions of hours and dollars that middle-class families must spend filling out tax forms – all to send more of their hard-earned paychecks to the Internal Revenue Service.

The House, the Senate, and the Trump Administration are taking action to end the expensive and time-consuming nightmare of tax-filing season. Our unified framework for tax reform will allow the vast majority of individuals and families to file their taxes on a form as simple as a postcard – helping ensure middle-class Americans can focus more of their precious time and money on what matters most to them.

The Congressional tax-writing committees are working on the details for our postcard-style tax form, but here’s an updated version of what the postcard could look like based on our framework:

CLICK HERE to learn more about how tax reform will lead to simpler, fairer taxes for Americans of all walks of life.