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Bipartisan Ways and Means Members to Meet with the Prime Minister of Canada

October 10, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  On Wednesday, October 11, Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), Ranking Member Richard Neal (D-MA), and bipartisan Members of the House Ways and Means Committee will meet with the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. Members of the press are invited to join for brief opening remarks and a photo spray at the top of the meeting.

When: 11:00 AM ET

Where: Ways and Means Committee Hearing Room (1100 Longworth House Office Building) – enter via doorway across from room 1135.

Details: Media should gather outside of the doorway across from LHOB 1135 no later than 10:30 AM ET.

Due to space limitations, media are asked to designate only one representative per Congressionally accredited organization.  All media must contact Lauren Aronson ( to sign up for coverage – only off-the-shoulder cuts cameras; no tripods.