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Brady Lays Out Path Forward on Historic Pro-Growth Tax Reform

October 26, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ways and Means House Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement after the House gave final approval to the FY 2018 Budget Resolution  which paves the way for historic pro-growth tax reform:

“By passing this budget today, House Republicans just provided the legislative runway for pro-growth tax reform. Our successful vote will allow us to move forward quickly on delivering the first overhaul of America’s tax code in more than three decades.

“On November 1, we will introduce our tax reform bill that will deliver more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks to people across our country. Beginning on November 6, the Ways and Means Committee will consider this legislation in a committee markup.

“Today is a historic day – and we are ready to deliver tax relief that improves the lives of middle-income Americans and struggling families who have been left behind in our slow-growing economy.”

Earlier today, Chairman Brady spoke on the House floor about the budget: 

“With this budget, we have an opportunity to move forward on a major priority for the American people, which is delivering the first overhaul of America’s broken tax code in more than three decades.

“When you look at today – the way America is taxed – it doesn’t take long to recognize this is completely and utterly broken.

“You can see that it’s so complex – it forces families and job creators to spend billions of hours and dollars each year just filing their taxes.

“It’s unfair. It gives wasteful Washington lobbyist loopholes and carve-outs to special interests while hardworking Americans get nothing but frustration.

“And you see that our tax code is miserably uncompetitive. That’s why more and more of our American businesses and good-paying jobs are going overseas to countries with more modern and more competitive tax systems.

“By passing this budget today, we can send a clear message to the American people: real tax reform is on the way.

“A ‘no’ vote as we heard from our Democrat colleagues is to block tax reform and defend the status-quo.

“We’re working closely with President Trump as he leads this charge. Together, we have bold ideas to deliver more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks for all Americans this year. 

“But all of this starts by adopting this budget today. 

“I want to thank Chairman Black and the Budget Committee for all of their hard work. And I want to encourage all of my colleagues to vote yes – to vote yes on tax reform – and join me in taking an important, historic step forward to deliver on our tax reform promise.”

“I’d like to thank Chairman Black and the Budget Committee for all of their hard work. And I’d like to encourage all of my colleagues to vote yes and join me in taking an important step forward to deliver on our tax reform promise.”