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ICYMI: Leaders From Across the Country are Ready for Pro-Growth Tax Reform

October 28, 2017

Following the passage of the historic tax reform budget on Thursday, Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined FOX Business and said:

“Today marks the beginning of the end of this horrible U.S. Tax Code. … For the first time in 31 years, the Ways and Means Committee is going to take action to fix this Tax Code.” 

Leaders from across the country have been expressing their support and are ready to deliver pro-growth tax reform. Check out what they are saying.


From Ways and Means Committee Members: 

Congressman Erik Paulsen (R-MN) on FOX News said that this is a historic moment for our country:

“The budget that passed yesterday sets the opportunity now for us being on the cusp of passing historic tax reform … which is really going to get the economy booming again.” 

Congressman Diane Black (R-TN), who also serves as Chairman of the House Budget Committee, told FOX News now that the budget is signed, sealed, and delivered, lawmakers are positioned to bring tax relief to all Americans this year:

“There is a mood here in the House to move forward, and to advance the President’s agenda to where we can actually help the American people keep more money in their pocket and grow the middle class.”

Congressman Tom Reed (R-NY) on Bloomberg talked about how we are going to put more money in the pockets of hardworking Americans:

“The overall goal of tax reform: it’s going to give people more money in their paychecks, it’s going to allow them to grow, and to have a booming economy.”

Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA) was asked on FOX Business how confident he was, on a scale of one to ten, that tax reform will pass. He said – “TEN”: 

 “You are going to see the House of Representatives come forward with something that makes sense for America … We’re going after it because we have to go after it – it’s time.”

Congressman David Schweikert (R-AZ) joined FOX Business and talked about the timetable going forward: 

“It’s rational, it’s necessary … the timetable forces us to stop pondering all the motions and momentums and finally say, ‘we’ve got to put this on paper and close this out.’”

Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) on FOX Business said this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Congress to positively impact the lives of every American:

This is our opportunity, Republicans and hopefully Democrats coming along with us, to make sure every household in America experiences the economic recovery and people feel they have the opportunity to grow and achieve whatever that success is for them.” 

Congressman Mike Bishop (R-MI) joined FOX Business and said that tax reform will grow paychecks:

“I’d also say that this is about growth, putting this economy in a position for growth. And as a fiscal conservative, I would rather have more money in your pockets and the pockets of job providers than I would the federal government.”


From the Administration:

President Donald Trump wrote in USA Today about how tax reform will deliver much needed relief to all Americans:

“The optimism has returned — the sun is once again rising over America. But our economy cannot take off like it should unless we transform our outdated, complex and burdensome tax code, and that is exactly what we are proposing to do.” 

Vice President Mike Pence wrote in the Denver Post that tax reform has a longstanding history of bipartisan support:

“Tax reform has brought both parties together before, and it should bring them together today. This is about doing what’s best for the Centennial State, and for all of America.”


From the U.S. House of Representatives: 

Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-CO) wrote in the Colorado Springs Gazette that tax reform is going to bring relief to small businesses and families in Colorado:  

Tax reform is ultimately about the people. It’s always been about helping middle-class families and all American citizens who work hard, play by the rules, and pay their taxes. It’s about hardworking people who want something to pass on to their children. It’s about local employers who are tired of red tape.”

Congressman Glenn Thompson (R-PA) wrote in the Erie Times-News that tax reform is going to position America to be prosperous for years to come:

“Today, we are presented with a once-in-a-generation opportunity that we cannot afford to pass up because of special interests or partisan bickering. This is not a Democratic or Republican idea, it’s an American idea. The benefits of tax reform will touch every corner of our economy and every household in the nation.”

Congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI) on FOX News talked about how optimistic he is that Congress is going to provide tax relief for Americans by the end of the year:

“This thing is going to sail. We’ll be successful and grow the economy and help our middle-income families. 

Congressman Rob Woodall (R-GA) wrote in the Gwinnett Daily Post about our unified approach:

“With a willing partner in the White House and an existing unified tax reform framework (you heard me right: an agreement on all the common principles, and an aggressive timeline forward among the House, the Senate, and the White House; imagine that.), I believe we’re on the cusp of the long-awaited movement we want to see.”

Congressman Roger Williams (R-TX) wrote in the Austin American-Statesman that tax reform is going to help entrepreneurs pursue the American dream:

“True reform means bringing 21st century updates to our tax code and extending relief to American job creators. … We need to support the entrepreneur who has put their life’s work on the line in order to pursue the American Dream.”

Congressman Dave Joyce (R-OH) wrote in The News-Herald that our tax reform plan is going to help families keep more of their hard-earned money: 

We will double the standard deduction so that less of your income is subject to federal taxes. This means that the first $12,000 earned by an individual – and the first $24,000 earned by a family – will be exempt from taxation. We will consolidate the tax brackets from seven into three and create a fairer system that will lift an enormous amount of burden.”

Congressman Kevin Cramer (R-ND) wrote in the Washington Examiner that tax reform is going to position American businesses to be competitive on a global scale: 

“President Trump proposed cutting the corporate tax rate to 20 percent, which would be a good first step towards putting the nation on better ground to compete with Europe and Asia. … I’m hopeful we can build the business-friendly tax system that enterprising young Americans and immigrants deserve.”

Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL) joined local station NBC-15 and said that tax reform is about helping people, plain and simple:

“There is going to be plenty in it that’s good for the average American citizen. The average American is going to get a tax cut, and that’s what this is all about.”

Congressman Ted Budd (R-NC) wrote in the Greensboro News & Record that by lowering the corporate rate, good-paying jobs will start to come back to America:

“[Our] plan would make bold changes to how our businesses are taxed with the goal of the kind of job growth we haven’t seen in years. … Incentivizing companies to do business here instead of abroad is a goal that Republicans and Democrats share including former President Obama.”   

Congresswoman Mimi Walters (R-CA) wrote in The Orange County Register about how tax reform will help California businesses compete on a global scale:

“The time has come for a 21st century solution that puts more money in your pocket, eliminates loopholes, and helps California businesses remain competitive in a global marketplace.” 

Congressman Darin LaHood (R-IL) on local channel KHQA talked about how we will provide relief to all Americans through tax reform:

“50% of this country lives paycheck to paycheck, we want to put more money in those paychecks … that’s what we’re focused on.”

Congressman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) on C-SPAN discussed how history is on our side in helping people improve their lives through tax reform:

We want you to have a better job. We want you to have a higher paycheck. We want household income to go up. We want your quality of life to go up. And we’ve seen that in Kennedy’s tax cuts, in Reagan’s tax cuts, in Bush’s tax cuts. So we have a good historical track record of when we do that, we create millions of jobs and we improve the quality of life for all Americans.”

Congress Mike Gallagher (R-WI) wrote in the Green Bay Press-Gazette that tax reform is about empowering families: 

“At the end of the day, reforming the tax code is about empowering individuals and families to make choices on how they spend and invest their money, not laundering that money through special interests in Washington D.C. After all, the last thing people need more of in their lives is Washington, D.C.”

Congressman Tom Garrett (R-VA) wrote in The Lynchburg News & Advance about how tax reform is needed for all Virginia businesses:

“The people of Virginia will continue to stand with Republicans on … reforming our nation’s tax code — if we get it right. That means lowering, simplifying and restructuring the tax code to ensure it benefits businesses, both large and small, S-corporations, individuals and hardworking middle-income families.” 

Congressman Ralph Norman (R-SC) on HLN said that good things are on the horizon for all Americans:

“When you look at the broad umbrella of what we’re proposing, it’s good … it’s a bad day for the tax collector, a good day for the taxpayer.”


From the U.S. Senate:

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) wrote in CNN that years of work have led to this moment:

“Tax reform was important in 1986, and it is equally important today. We cannot maintain the status quo, and failure to enact meaningful tax reform would mean further damage to our economy and a lower quality of life for Americans. The American people need us to succeed. And we don’t intend to let them down. 

 wrote in Forbes how tax reform will fuel our economy:

“From 2010-2016, the U.S. economy grew at a meager 2.1% – a stark contrast to prior recoveries, when GDP growth surged. Hourly wage growth has also been muted, which leaves many working Americans still wondering when their recovery is going to arrive. Smart, pro-growth tax reform will expand U.S. investment, increase jobs and wages, and leave more money in taxpayers’ pockets.”

Senator John Thune (R-SD) wrote in TIME that tax reform is good news for Main Street job creators:

“Small and medium-size businesses are an important engine of economic growth, but our tax code makes things more difficult for these job creators by saddling them with high tax rates … By lowering tax rates for these businesses, we can help them reinvest more of their earnings into their operations. The Republican tax plan will also allow small and medium-size businesses to recover their costs more quickly, which will also help free up money they can use to grow their business and create new jobs. This is good news for the American worker.”

Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) wrote in The Clarion-Ledger that now is the time to bring our outdated Tax Code into the 21stcentury:

 A 21st-century economy needs a 21st-century tax system. President Trump and congressional Republicans have worked together to put forward pro-growth ideas that look out for American workers and American businesses. These ideas stem from the belief that Americans can make better decisions about their money than the federal government. I agree.” 

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) explained in The Hill how tax reform will make America a magnet for new businesses:

We want a giant ‘OPEN FOR BUSINESS’ sign on American soil. For too long, businesses have been looking to expand or move elsewhere. That will stop if this plan is enacted.”


From State Leaders:

Governor Phil Bryant (R-MS) wrote in The Clarion-Ledger on how tax reform transformed the Mississippi economy, and how federal tax reform will do the same for America:

The simplicity and fairness the plan will inject into our system of taxation is laudable and long overdue. It marks a welcome departure from the burdensome laws that have taken too much of Mississippians’ hard-earned money and stifled economic innovation, capital investment and job creation.”

Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley (R-MI) wrote in The Detroit Free Press about how tax reform accelerated the Michigan economy after the 2007-09 recession and how tax reform on the federal level will continue to move Michigan forward:

“I’m proud to have led the efforts to overhaul Michigan’s tax code, dumping the old system in favor of a simple, fair and efficient tax code. Those changes have made Michigan the Comeback State, with more than 500,000 private-sector jobs created and an economy that is continuing to grow year after year. While we have seen significant success from the reforms we have made to Michigan’s tax system, it’s time to do the same on the federal level.”

Attorney General Bill Schuette (R-MI) wrote in the Oakland Press that federal tax reform will create good-paying jobs in Michigan and provide families long-awaited relief:

The President’s plan will get rid of special interest tax breaks, but give the rest of us credits for home mortgage interest, charitable giving, retirement, education, and work. Simply put, President Trump’s tax plan will lower the tax burden and, in the process, give hardworking families a pay raise.”

State Delegate Riley Moore (R-WV) wrote in the Charleston Gazette-Mail that state lawmakers believe tax reform on the federal level is needed:

“Congress has a very real opportunity to spur economic growth and allow our middle class to thrive. The time has never been better for reform.”

Ways and Means members will release the tax reform bill on November 1, and a mark up of the bill will begin in the Ways and Means Committee on November 6.