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By the Numbers: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Delivers Tax Cuts for Families in Every Congressional District

November 15, 2017

Tomorrow, the House will vote on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1), taking action on comprehensive tax reform legislation for the first time in 31 years.

This is a historic opportunity to deliver tax relief to middle-income families across the country who take the new, larger standard deduction – from districts in New York to Washington, Illinois to Texas, and every state in between:

  • In Rep. Tom Reed’s (R) district in New York, a family of four making $70,914 will receive a $1,463 tax cut.
  • In Rep. Tim Ryan’s (D) district in Ohio, a family of four making $70,938 a year will receive a $1,464 tax cut.
  • In Rep. Paul Mitchell’s (R) district in Michigan, a family of four making $96,434 a year will receive a $2,229 tax cut.
  • In Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam’s (R) district in Illinois, a family four making $135,485 a year will receive a $4,808 tax cut.
  • In Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady’s (R) district in Texas, a family of four making $92,113 a year will receive a $2,099 tax cut.
  • In Rep. Diana DeGette’s (D) district in Colorado, a family of four making $103,965 a year will receive a $2,454 tax cut.
  • In Rep. Mia Love’s (R) district in Utah, a family of four making $83,106 a year will receive a $1,829 tax cut.
  • In Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s (D) district in California, a family of four making $163,475 a year will receive a $5,508 tax cut.
  • In House Republican Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ (R) district in Washington, a family of four making $78,243 will receive a $1,683 tax cut.

The chart below shows how much tax relief the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will deliver to middle-income families in every Congressional district who will take the new, larger standard deduction:

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.