WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) today delivered the following remarks on the House Floor in support of moving the House and Senate’s tax reform legislation to a conference committee.
Remarks as prepared for delivery:
“Today, we are moving to the crucial final stage in delivering once-in-a-generation tax reform to the American people.
“The choice we face now is clear.
“Do we want to stick with this complex, costly, unfair system that caters to special interests and drives American jobs overseas?
“Do we want to stick with a slow-growth tax code that keeps our economy in second gear and all but guarantees rising debt and deficits?
“Or, do we think it’s time to go in a new direction?
“Do we think it’s finally time to provide our workers, our families, and our job creators with a tax code that is simple, fair, and built to create jobs and leapfrog America back into the lead pack around the world?
“Do we think it’s time to get our economy growing again? I mean, truly growing where better jobs, bigger paychecks, and more opportunities are available to people throughout this country?
“Many in Washington say they support tax reform. Yet, every argument we hear is about keeping taxes higher, keeping the growth of jobs and paychecks lower, and keeping more of this broken tax code that is so complex and unfair to everyday Americans.
“It almost seems too many in Congress are rooting against a growing and prosperous American economy.
“Too many who claim to be concerned about the deficit today joyfully added trillions of dollars to the national deficit when it meant Washington could spend more.
“But now, when it comes to letting families and local businesses spend more of their own hard-earned money, all of the sudden they say ‘no.’
“If you ask my constituents in Texas, they’ll tell you – without a doubt – it’s time to go in a new direction. It’s time to go pro-growth and leave this slow-growth status quo behind us for good.
“Without a doubt, my constituents – and so many Americans throughout our country – are rooting for a healthier, stronger economy and a simpler, fairer tax code that allows them to keep more of their own money.
“That’s why, right now, it’s time for us to come together in a conference committee and finalize the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act for the American people.
“When the Ways and Means Committee started working on tax reform over six years ago, we knew this road would be long and difficult.
“We’ve had our share of ups and downs along the way, but we stuck with it because we knew the American people were counting on us.
“And we know they’re counting on us now.
“So, with this conference committee, we’re going to come together to give the American people the best of what our two bills have to offer.
“At every step, we’re going to ask ourselves how can we truly deliver the tax code Americans deserve.
“How can we drive rates lower for families?
“How can we encourage more investment and job creation on Main Street?
“How can we better support parents and students and homeowners and retirees?
“How can we make our economy stronger and healthier than ever?
“How can we improve lives across our country?
“We have all worked hard to get to this point in the process. I’m proud of the bill we’ve delivered in the House, and I want to congratulate the Senate as well.
“Right now, we’re closer than ever to delivering on our tax reform promise to the American people – but some of our most important work is still ahead of us.
“Now is the time for us to dig deep on behalf of the people we were sent here to serve.
“Now is the time for us to come together in a conference committee and unite behind one historic bill that will help Americans of all walks of life.
“This is the moment and the opportunity that we – and so many Americans – have worked for and waited for.
“Now is the time to seize it. And working together – working truly together – I’m confident we will.”