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Brady Announces Hearing with Commerce Secretary Ross on Trade Actions

March 14, 2018

Washington, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) announced today that the Committee will hold a hearing on recent trade actions, particularly the section 232 determinations on steel and aluminum. The hearing will take place on Thursday, March 22, 2018 in 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 9:00 AM.

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross will be the sole witness.

Upon announcing the hearing, Chairman Brady said:

“We look forward to welcoming Secretary Ross to the Ways and Means Committee. His testimony is especially timely given the President’s recent decision to apply tariffs on steel and aluminum and the Commerce Department’s work in conducting the underlying section 232 investigations and considering petitions for exclusions from those tariffs.

“The Department of Commerce plays a critical role in helping U.S. companies compete on a level playing field and ultimately win both in export markets and here at home. I appreciate that the President is listening to job creators and Congress by taking initial steps to tailor the action by excluding Canada and Mexico and setting forth paths to exclude fairly traded steel and aluminum for additional countries and products. We will continue to work with the Administration to build off the success of President Trump’s tax cuts and regulatory reform by further narrowing these tariffs to target unfair trade and avoid harm to our workers and manufacturers here at home.”