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Chairman Brady Announces Hearing on Jobs and Opportunity: Federal Perspectives on the Jobs Gap

April 10, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) announced today that the full Committee will hold a hearing on Jobs and Opportunity: Federal Perspectives on the Jobs Gap on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 10:00AM in 1100 Longworth House Office Building.

U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta will be the sole witness.

In announcing the hearing, Chairman Brady said:

“Thanks in large part to tax reform, our economy is flourishing and there are jobs that need to be filled. I’ve heard from business owners across the country who are looking for qualified applicants but striking out. As part of our hearing series on Jobs and Opportunity, we’ll explore how we can work with President Trump and Secretary Acosta to help workers on the sidelines find jobs, support their families, and achieve the American dream.” 


This is the second hearing in the Committee’s Jobs and Opportunities series focused on the jobs gap. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, P.L. 115-97, is putting more money into the pockets of American families and enabling businesses to create jobs and expand. This series is focused on the jobs gap, the difference between employers’ increasing demand for workers in a strong economy, and the relatively low percent of individuals in the workforce. By closing this gap, more Americans will share in the success of an economy that is continuing to grow.

The first hearing in the series will be held by the Human Resources Subcommittee on Thursday, April 12 and will focus on local perspectives.