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Brady Discusses Tax Reform with FOX Business’ Stuart Varney

May 02, 2018

This week, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) joined Stuart Varney on Fox Business’ “Varney & Co.” to discuss next steps on tax reform.

“What we are trying to do is change that culture in Washington where we just don’t plug up a bunch of new special interest provisions but every year we’re looking at ways to get better, more competitive, more family friendly.”

This is just 2.0 and I hope that there’s 3.0 and 4.0 so that we continue to improve.”

On particular proposals in phase 2 of tax reform:

“We’re looking at – now that we have a stronger economy, now that businesses are looking more so for good workers over the long-term – are there any good ideas on how we can help businesses, incentivize them to help their new workers with their student loans. We think there are some good ideas out there.”

Varney later asked the Chairman:

“So, a continual fine-tuning of the tax system to benefit the economy, to get more growth – that’s the proposition really, isn’t it?”

Chairman Brady replied:

“It really is. And look, every successful business and organization wakes up every day trying to figure out how to be more competitive, more innovative, and better. So, why isn’t Washington waking up every day thinking the same way? I think the President, and I, and others want to change that culture in Congress and we think it will work for the American people.”