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Brady Hails Introduction of Tax Reform 2.0: Permanent Tax Relief for Families and Small Business, Helping Families Save More, and Spurring Innovation Here In U.S.

September 10, 2018

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) spotlighted the introduction of three bills that collectively build on the growing economic successes of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. These bills constitute Republicans’ Tax Reform 2.0 package and will lock in the individual and small business tax cuts made law in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, make it easier for families and businesses to save for retirement, and boost American innovation by growing startup businesses.

Upon the introduction of this legislation, Chairman Brady said:

“The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act changed the trajectory of our economy for the better. Now it’s time to change the culture in Washington where we only do tax reform once a generation. This legislation is our commitment to the American worker to ensure our tax code remains the most competitive in the world.   

“We are providing certainty. The Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act locks in the tax relief from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – which included a nearly doubled standard deduction, a doubled Child Tax Credit, lower rates across the board, and a historic 20-percent pass-through deduction for Main Street businesses. This will create over 1.5 million new jobs, continue to raise wages, and boost long-run GDP. 

“We are creating financial security. The Family Savings Act focuses on helping families save more and earlier for the future by making it easier for businesses to offer retirement savings plans while ensuring workers can easily participate in these plans. This will help give our families the financial stability they need for whatever life throws their way. 

“We are helping entrepreneurs grow. The American Innovation Act will increase innovation by helping new entrepreneurs move from the kitchen table to Main Street and beyond. The country that wins the innovation race wins the future, and it’s time for our tax code to help us get there. 

“Last year we said goodbye to America’s old, broken tax code. Under our new system, we’re seeing incredible job growth, bigger paychecks, and a tax code that works on behalf of families and American businesses. Now it’s the time to ensure we never let our tax code become so outdated again. We look forward to bringing these bills to the Committee soon.”

The following bills were introduced today as part of this Tax Reform 2.0 package:

H.R. 6760, the Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act of 2018, sponsored by Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL), and cosponsored by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Rep. Mark Walker (R-NC), House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), and all other Ways and Means Committee Republicans.

H.R. 6757, the Family Savings Act of 2018, sponsored by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA), and cosponsored by Rep. Paul Mitchell (R-MI), House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX), and all other Ways and Means Committee Republicans.

H.R. 6756, the American Innovation Act of 2018, sponsored by Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Vern Buchanan (R-FL), and cosponsored by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and all other Ways and Means Committee Republicans.