Washington, D.C. — Today, Republican Members of the House Ways and Means Committee released the following statement stating their commitment to protect Americans by putting an end to surprise medical bills:
“We are confident Congress can work together to ban surprise medical bills. House Ways and Means Republicans have developed these priorities:
“Ban Surprise Medical Bills. No American should be taken advantage of in an emergency situation or when undergoing scheduled procedures. We support a ban on surprise medical bills in both circumstances.
“True and Honest Advance Bill. For scheduled procedures, patients deserve a real, detailed and honest estimate of their out-of-pocket medical costs well in advance of their procedure. Facilities, insurers and health care providers share an equal responsibility to develop an accurate advance bill. To increase consumer knowledge and reduce confusion, insurers must maintain updated and accurate information about what procedures, providers, facilities, tests and medicines are covered in their insurance network and at what cost to the insured.
“Fairness and Competition in Setting Reimbursement Rates for Health Care Providers. Solving out-of-network disputes between providers and insurance companies should result in more competition, more options—including broader networks for Americans who want them—and avoid giving undue contracting leverage to any of the parties involved. If a market-based payment is established by Congress, it must be accompanied by a simple and efficient process for health care providers to ensure that payment is accurate and fair.”