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FAQ: Coronavirus Legislation

March 18, 2020

Ways and Means Republicans assembled a comprehensive FAQ to help explain how the federal government is responding to the coronavirus pandemic. It covers what small businesses, seniors, and workers need to know and is broken into sections about what Congress has passed, what Congress is going to do next, and what the Administration has done to help Americans fight this global pandemic.

Sections will be updated as necessary.


Phase I Package

Small Businesses

Testing and Supplies




Phase II Package

Small Businesses

Mandatory Employer Paid Sick and Family and Medical Leave

Unemployment Insurance

Testing and Supplies

The Vulnerable School-Aged and Elderly Population

Health Coverage in the States

News reports on the effect of NSAIDs 



Phase III Package

The federal government has acted swiftly to help Americans impacted by the coronavirus. The first package, which has been signed into law, contained $8.3 billion to increase the availability of tests, support public and private efforts toward developing a vaccine, and assistance for small businesses. The second package, passed in the House and now being considered in the Senate, ensured free testing, emergency paid leave, and support and flexibility for small businesses.

This phase three package— the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act— is further assistance for our economy. The Administration, working with Congress, secured funds for industries that are taking a substantial hit due to this pandemic, such as airlines, ensuring our economy is primed for recovery when the time is right. The bill will provide cash assistance to all Americans, with the amount being dependent on income level and family size. And the bill creates a loan program for small businesses who are offering paid leave to their workers at this time.

Small Business/Paycheck Protection Program

Rebate Check Distribution 

Health-Related Provisions

Unemployment-Related Questions

Oversight Provisions

Tax-Related Provisions

Retirement-Related Provisions 

General Questions






Administration Action

Testing and Supplies


Department of Health and Human Services

Tax Administration





Other Commonly Asked Questions

Are Churches Eligible for the Paycheck Protection Program?

CDC Resources for Individuals, Families and Communities

Access to Unemployment Insurance

Testing and Supplies

The Vulnerable School-Aged and Elderly Population

Home Owners 

Access to Nonessential Medical Services 

Fraud Scams